Issue 01

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Volume 200,000


STATE: exhibitions

STATE: Cohort Now

20th - 29th August 2010

The latest exhibition - STATE: Cohort Now - by Londi, Murusalu, Douglas and Plamper - was held in the Freies Museum Berlin, Germany. The exhibition’s central theme was the question for the limits of law. Law - not just in terms of statute, rights or privilege, but also as responsibilities and directives.

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STATE: (Shoreditch Town Hall Exhibition)

15th - 18th November 2008

The title STATE: has several parallel interpretations. It is an entity formed from a collection of individuals, a political system, a statement and a state of being. It is a construction representing the present time - the state of NOW. The first show in London Shoreditch Town Hall brought the group together, with an addition of selected international guest artists.

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